de m | apr. 30, 2023 | NEWS
The General Assembly of the National Youth Foundation held within the framework of this project, was a special event that brought together representatives of county foundations from all over the country and the Municipality of Bucharest. They gathered from 26-29 April...
de m | aug. 11, 2022 | Noutăți
Train the trainers – înscriere curs Train the trainers (sesiunea de formare a formatorilor) este o activitate din cadrul proiectului „Revitalizarea sectorului de tineret din România” prin care se dorește pegătirea reprezentanților/angajaților/voluntarilor...
de m | aug. 11, 2022 | NEWS
Train the trainers is an activity of the project „Revitalization of the youth sector in Romania” which aims to train representatives/employees/volunteers of youth foundations to deliver training sessions for young people in their county. The training...
de m | apr. 4, 2022 | NEWS
Opening conference- event details The weekend that just ended marked the official commencement of the project’s physical activities. For two days, representatives from youth foundations, project partners, and youth stakeholders gathered at the Youth Centre in...
de m | apr. 4, 2022 | Noutăți
Conferința de deschidere a proiectului a avut loc la Timișoara! Weekendul ce tocmai s-a încheiat a dat în mod oficial start activităților desfășurate în format fizic din cadrul proiectului. Astfel, timp de 2 zile, reprezentanții fundațiilor pentru...